“On the Go” Pen Flush

Compact and Concentrated version of Dr. G’s Revolutionary Pen Flush.

Great for flushing your pen when you are out and about.

Recommended for use at:

  • Pen shows
  • Pen Club Meetings
  • Ink Swap Meetings
  • Any time you want to use a variety of ink while they are on the go!

Put 5 drops of concentrated Revolutionary Pen Flush and 10 ml of water into the included nib-safe vial, and you are ready to flush away! (It’s OK if you don’t know what a ml is! Fill the vial about half way!) You can always add more or less concentrate depending on how your pen responds.

This Concentrated Pen Flush Kit will last about 100 uses!

Refill __________ times PRN


To ensure brand name dispensing, check box above

